Bid Management & Interim Support

Bidable’s Bid Management Service is an all-encompassing, hands-on bid management service designed to not only oversee but actively participate in your company’s bid process from inception to completion. We’re not just in the control room; we’re on the ground floor with you, working collaboratively and putting our extensive knowledge and experience to work for your success.

The Bidable Difference

Our personalised Bid Governance ensures not just oversight but a dynamic, tailored strategy that champions your unique objectives. We immerse in every detail, from crafting compelling narratives to ensuring rigorous compliance. Our proactive approach to Strategy Creation, Active Process Management, and Tender Documentation elevates your bid, while our flawless execution guarantees timely, compliant submissions. With Bidable, you’re not just bidding—you’re strategically positioned to win.

The Services we Deliver

  • GOVERNANCE: Bidable’s Bid Governance Service is a strategic, personalised solution that ensures your bid management process is expertly overseen and tactically directed. We develop a comprehensive bid strategy, craft persuasive narratives, and uphold strict compliance, all while maintaining a clear focus on your customers.We are hands-on in all bid stages, leading impactful kick-off meetings, coordinating capture planning, storyboarding, and formulating winning themes. We delve into bid writing, taking charge of vital sections to keep your bid consistently compelling. We manage regular communications, manage and mitigate risk and ensure that knowledge is gained and retained throughout the process. As an impartial third party, we can ensure internal tensions don’t impact outcomes, allocate resources effectively and protect your investment. With Bidable, your journey to a successful bid isn’t a gamble—it’s a carefully managed, strategic process
  •  HANDS-ON STRATEGY CREATION AND EXECUTION: We dive into the intricate process of crafting and implementing your bid strategy, from developing the narrative and establishing win themes to focusing on customer needs and defining your unique value proposition. Our aim is not merely to govern, but to immerse ourselves in your strategy, ensuring team cohesion and compliance at every step.
  •  ACTIVE PROCESS MANAGEMENT: We facilitate your bid processes, orchestrating the flow of activities with agility and adeptness. From coordinating bid meetings to conducting creative workshops, problem-solving sessions, and conducting bid and tender reviews, we’re not just guiding—we’re actively participating, ensuring informed decision-making and efficient teamwork.
  • TENDER DOCUMENTATION CREATION: We don’t just oversee the submission of your bid; we take an active role in ensuring it’s executed flawlessly. Our team ensures all supporting documents are prepared and submitted accurately, on time, and in compliance with all requirements.
  • SUBMISSION AND DOCUMENTATION EXECUTION: We dive into the intricate process of crafting and implementing your bid strategy, from developing the narrative and establishing win themes to focusing on customer needs and defining your unique value proposition. Our aim is not merely to govern, but to immerse ourselves in your strategy, ensuring team cohesion and compliance at every step.

Bid Management FAQ’s

As an external entity, Bidable brings an unbiased perspective to the process, enabling effective decision-making and preventing internal politics from influencing the bid outcome. Our impartiality also ensures a transparent, honest evaluation of the bidding strategy, identifying any weak spots or potential improvements.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

Bidable offers several plans catering to different needs and stages of business. Our plans range from a Pay-as-you-go option to more comprehensive monthly subscription packages. Key differentiators include the depth of advice, access to resources, consultation rates, monitoring of tenders, content support, and strategic sessions.

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